Happy New Year!

Happy 2017! 

My goals for this new year are pretty simple. I am choosing to be kind to others, kind to myself, and eat healthier (December was the month of cookies for me).  I am also pledging to grow my business in the new year.

Kindness to others:  This past fall, I heard a story on NPR about a man's encounter with a homeless man and it sparked something in me. I began to practice small random acts of kindness, like smiling at strangers, and instantly noticed that people positively reacted back to me. I am also really happy to help introduce a daily 'random acts of kindness' project at my kids' school. Little and simple acts of kindness make a change in everyone's life. 

Kindness to self:  In order to be our best, we must take care of our own needs first. It is important to take time for yourself. I walk every morning with my dog. Some days I walk with friends and other days its just me and Shorty. This daily walk helps me start my day off right. I love being outside and seeing the seasons change. 

Eating healthier:  When December arrives I am too weak to eat healthy.  I try, but I am tempted by Jen's cookies, delicious drinks, desserts and unhealthy foods. Now that December is done, I am back to reality.  I always detox for a week and during that week, I do not eat any sugar for 7 days. I also eat healthy fats, such as avocados, coconut oil, coconut milk, and nuts. These healthy fats fill me up, so I don't crave sugars. Once I have detoxed, I limit my sugar intake to 15 mg per day.

My business:  I am also pledging to grow my business in the new year. I hope to come out with 2 more products and sell in more stores. I am so thankful to the current business owners who took that leap of faith in me and my products! I am thankful to customers who use my products and share them with their friends and family. Here is to another great year!